Communication Method Communication Method is used to control how requests are sent and can be set to send requests Automatically or Manually. To change the...
Updating the Account Owner Information The following post shows how to update the Account Owner information within REVU 1) Log into REVU 2) Click on your...
Add a Single Customer To add a single customer to REVU, follow these steps: 5. You will now see the customer in Customer Activity.
Delete a Customer To delete a customer follow these steps: 5. You will be asked to confirm the customer(s) to be deleted. If...
Updating a Customers Information in REVU This post will show you how to edit a single customer of a selected Business in REVU. 1) Log into your REVU...
Exporting all Data and Reviews in REVU for a Location REVU does not hold your feedback or customer contacts hostage. You can export a complete customer list with all feedback...
Import Customer List for a Single Location Import a customer list for a single location in REVU using Import Customer List. To import a customer list for a...
What sites can I request reviews on? Using Feedback Request Modes, REVU enables you to ask for reviews on online review sites (3rd-party reviews) from your customer. We...
How do I Reply to Customer Feedback (1st-party Reviews)? REVU makes it easy to reply to customer feedback. You can also choose to respond to feedback: Respond via Customer...
Understand Source Icons in Customer Activity What does the icon under Source in Customer Activity mean? Customer Activity displays all ratings and reviews received from customers...